Mountain View Innovation Hub

Completed, 2015


In 2014, our studio was brought to partner with XL Construction to help Google launch an R+D program for the built environment. Our first step was to make a space fit for their paradigm-changing culture. Google’s R+D Lab for the Built Environment is a place where architects, technical specialists, and Google’s in-house design talent generate ideas and prototypes for resilient, resource-efficient, beautiful solutions.  Google has a unique approach to campus development projects and this lab needed to support that non-standard approach to architecture, engineering and construction. .  

Armed with an understanding of what a creative community needs when they come together, we designed the building that would service as the infrastructure for the creative ideas generated there.  Much like the legendary Building 20 at MIT, simple materials and exposed fasteners communicate to users of the space that they are welcome to engage with it -- to hack it. Though a simple design in many ways, the design includes ample daylighting, a retractable roof for facade prototypes, access to the outside, and thoughtfully selected specialty equipment that facilitates the creative endeavors of its users.

Size: 10,000sf / 5 -50 users; Our Role: Architect 


San Francisco Creative Campus


Potrero Power Plant Innovation Hub